Astrology East & West Module 2
When you purchase this module you will be taking the knowledge you learned in the first module to a completely new level. You will have already familiarised yourself with the techniques of how to determine the nature of the planets and will by now know how to assign to them the roles that they play in a Vedic chart.
In this next module, you will add the skills of determining the strengths and weaknesses of the planets and learn how to interpret them accordingly. You will also be shown the most well known of the timing systems of Vedic Astrology, the Vimshottari Mahadasa system. The correct application of this system will enable you to predict events and trends in a chart with accuracy.
Of course, just like module 1, if you find that this course is not for you, then you have a 21-day money back guarantee just to put your mind at ease.
So, all that remains for you to do is to sign up and I look forward to meeting you very soon.
Many blessings and gratitude
Chris Barrington